Acrobatics gymnastics is known as a long-standing sport in the world. However, this physical st...more
The World Games 2009 was the first international multi-sports event that Taiwan has ever bidden...more
Volunteers are important resource for sporting events, and their quality is a key factor in suc...more
The enterprises have been encouraged by the government, academia and industries to create their...more
Apart from the traditional media channels for advertising, the sports-related companies are kee...more
Sport sponsorship was one of the major funding sources for a sport event. Good sponsorship stra...more
The reverse pen-hold backhand stroke skill is the reverse side stroke skill for pen-hold grip. ...more
Stretching is an essential contain for warming-up exercise. It is well documented that stretchi...more
The rapid development of volleyball in the next, with the attack of technical and tactical inno...more
Scientific and technological progresses have brought convenience to human life, but people ofte...more
In daily life, humans must switch between various cognitive tasks by using their executive cont...more
Core stability is contributed by muscle strength/endurance and neuromuscular control of the tru...more
Aging is the major cause of sarcopenia, which explains to some extent the higher risk of fallin...more
Regular physical activity is capable of improving exercise performance and preventing from seve...more